Everyone benefits from sharing knowledge.
This is a list of resources I use regularly to help me learn more about the plants I grow. I hope you find them as useful as I have!
In Search of Small Things
A very helpful blog and amazing store run by a friend! Lots of info on Begonia, Marcgravia, Melastomes and much more!
iBegonias - The international database of the Begoniaceae
As the name implies, this website allows you to search for virtually any registered species or cultivar. Very useful for finding data on species sections, distribution and habitat type.
Run by Randy Kerr, an expert in Begonia cultivation and highly regarded in the community. Randy is a wonderful resource for care information and grows some very unusual species!
American Begonia Society
The national authority for everything in the genus! Members get access to The Begonian, the bimonthly publication and the seed fund, where many species are offered frequently!
International Aroid Society
The site for the IAS, who hosts a show and sale every year in Florida! Good resource for relevant recent publications and species novela descriptions.
The Gesneriad Society
The Gesneriad Society is a great resource for all kinds of plants of the family Gesneriaceae! They also share seeds and recent publications.
Dr. Cecilia Koo Botanic Conservation Center
Lots of photos of interesting and rare plants, many of which are begonias! Speaking Mandarin will help you with this one, but translator browser plugins can do the job.
An Austria-based grower and seller of many species, mostly begonias!
Planted Boxes
German business focused on producing plants in-house to share with folks in the EU, they have plants no one else seems to have!
Begonia Project
Another German propagator and seller, also lots of Begonias!
Plantae Ex Situ
Massachusetts-based expert propagators with a wide variety of Begonia, Philodendron, Sonerila and more! One owner also makes embroidered patches with plants on them which are absolutely lovely!
Philippines Taxonomic Initiative
An NGO in the Philippines documenting and describing new species and focusing on information valuable to conservation.